Performing and Judging Scenes

Be kind and most importantly, have fun!

Performing Scenes

When a team selects their cards, each actor should look the cards over. The team members are not allowed to discuss the Scene before they begin. The team should then move to an open area of the room to perform. One person should begin speaking first to get things going. It is not necessary for all the actors on a team to perform in a Scene.

The cards are a guide for the Scene, but other than that the actors are open to do what they like. For example, if there are 2 actors performing the Scene and they received only 1 character card. The other actor can play any kind of character they wish.

Any props needed for the scene can be pantomimed, in fact, it is required if the prop could actually harm someone, such as a knife, gun or thermonuclear device.

A scene should last at least a minute, but no more than three. You can use the examples on the cards to help give you ideas for the scene.

Judging Scenes

All Scenes should be judged on the following criteria. Judges should be lenient to the ability of the actor’s skills:

  1. Scenes should flow well and make sense.
  2. Actors should stay in character
  3. Unless otherwise decided at the start of the game, they should be funny.
  4. Impersonations should be accurate to mannerisms, vocal cadence, and personality.
  5. Scenes should end in some sort of resolution.
  6. Characters and places should be easily identifiable and without need for explanation.
  7. Be Kind. Judge based on the actor’s abilities. Remember, they’ll be judging you next.